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Our last day, our port was Castaway Cay and it also happened to be my 46th birthday. We didn't plan to spend much time on the island because we really wanted to enjoy the new ship. We also hoped to ride the AquaMouse a few times without much of a wait. That plan backfired on us a bit (I will explain in more detail in my recap. The weather at Castaway Cay was absolute perfection. It stormed during both of our prior visits, so this was wonderful. Rider loved the slide in the water and we were able to get some great photographs by some of the ship's photographers. After we headed back to the ship, we had lunch (BBQ again) and I got in line for the AquaMouse which was currently down. It came up after about 20 minutes and we had about a 5 minute wait after that. However, it proceeded to go down an additional 4 times after that (from what we saw). We did manage to ride it one more time, but after an hour wait (and it going down twice while in line). We still had a great afternoon and headed back to our room to get ready for our last dinner on the ship which was going to be 1923. Rider also had a Captain Mickey Makeover prior to dinner. Both will be in our last video.



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